Mission Statement:
The Valley Center Trails Association is dedicated to connecting the community by advocating for the development of multi-use trails and footpaths and promoting their use.
• Establish a series of safe non-motorized pathways and multi-use trails throughout Valley Center.
• Preserve open spaces for future generations to enjoy.
• Link trails and pathways to adjacent communities.
• Encourage private developers to include public trails / pathways within their developments linked to proposed and existing pathways and trails. These trails / pathways must allow access for everyone.
• Improve our environment and reduce air pollution by reducing motorized travel within Valley Center.
You can be part of the effort to create more parks, open space, and trails in Valley Center. The work of dedicated volunteers has resulted in the Heritage Trail, along Valley Center Road, major land acquisitions adjacent to Hellhole Canyon Preserve, the preservation of the Stone House in Keys Creek, public access to Rancho Lilac Preserve and resent Butterfield Trails Ranch approval by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors to budget funds for the purchase of Butterfield Trail Ranch.
Valley Center Trails Association is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the creation of non-motorized trails and pathways in Valley Center.
Membership in the Valley Center Trails Association is open to all individuals/households and businesses in the community. A modest membership fee is charged. Please support our efforts with your Membership or Donation. Thank you!